We all were told by our parents, “Eat your fruits and veggies or you'll have a hard time pooping.” Now, 30+ years later, you are browsing the internet looking for home remedies to solve your problem". In the back of your head, you can hear your mom’s voice saying, “I told you so.” Well, don’t worry too much. We are here to help!.
Whether you are just starting your first cleanse or looking for help with occasional constipation, it is important to focus on fruits and vegetables with a high concentration of fiber. The following fruits and veggies have an abundance of fiber, nutrients, and vitamins.
- Apples: How about them apples? Apples are a delicious and juicey treat that are high in fiber, with around 4 grams of fiber per apple. Apples also contain Apple Pectin which is considered a prebiotic and may help feed the good bacteria in your digestive tract.*
- Avocados: Avocados are great to help maintain regularity. Avocados contain soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber absorbs fluids and glues itself to excess waste making it easier to move down the digestive tract. Insoluble Fiber promotes healthy bowel movements by adding bulk to your stool. Overall, both soluble and insoluble fiber work together to help cleanse your colon.
- Broccoli: Broccoli provides the basic nutrients and antioxidants to help cleanse your colon. This green miniature tree-like vegetable not only provides a high volume of fiber for regularity but it also contains antioxidants that help fight off free radicals that damage healthy cells.
- Spinach: Unlike Broccoli, Spinach has a bigger consumer audience and if you eat enough you might end up like pop-eye! Spinach helps promote bowel movements with nearly 3.5 grams of fiber. Spinach is also high in water content which helps your stool pass smoothly.
- Lemon: Citrus fruits like lemon are good for cleansing the system. It is recommended to drink a glass of water with a squeeze of lemon juice every morning to help detoxify and cleanse. Lemon juice may also help your body produce bile for effective digestion.
- Garlic: Apart from its pungent smell and the lingering taste it leaves on your breath, garlic is known as a powerful prebiotic. Prebiotics keep the thousands of different probiotics in your digestive system thriving.
- Water: Sometimes the bare essentials become so difficult for us. Water is just as vital in cleaning your colon as fiber. Consume lots of water throughout the day to help your bodies natural ability to breakdown foods and absorb nutrients. Water also helps to soften your stool for easy elimination. Drink water, stay hydrated, and let it go!
Fiber consumption is key to healthy digestion, so... BRING ON THE FIBER