Drink more water, is what people always say to lose weight, but it is not because it’s a no calorie option. Our bodies are 60% water and every cell need it to function properly. By increasing water intake, you will also raise metabolism and the rate calories are burned.

Summertime is when there is an abundance of colorful and flavorful produce to fill your plate. A great substitute for eating hot and heavy foods that become very unappealing as the temperatures rise. Fruits and veggies are the best source for antioxidants, nutrients, minerals, and vitamins which the body requires to maintain healthy functioning. Consuming fruits and vegetables will also provide the body with fiber which helps you feel full longer. Fiber may help to eliminate fat and lower cholesterol, as well as slow down sugar and fats entering the bloodstream. This gives a steady supply of energy, helping to power through those long summer days.
Need inspiration, check out these yummy and quick summer snack ideas.

Beautiful sunny weather and long hours makes for a perfect reason to take your workout outside. Check out local hiking spots, go for a bike ride, or take up swimming. Summer offers a whole new way to make your workout fun and exciting. However, summer could also mean heat thus creating potentially dangerous conditions.
When the summer weather has you wanting to stay cooped-up with the A/C blasting there is a few simple fixes for scorching calories without the heat.
- Get out early or later in the day. The hottest time of the day is between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.
- Stay indoors and turn up the intensity with some HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training).
Don’t let vacation or rest days sideline your progress….
Getting some R&R is not only good for your mind, but your body too. It may help with lowering stress and give fatigued muscles time to recover. If you are away on vacation , get out to explore and take in some local fare. Vacation gives the opportunity to take in new flavors, sights, sounds and the chance to reignite your motivation.