What are the benefits of postbiotics? What’s their role in gut health and maintaining a balanced, resilient microbiome?
If you’re curious about how postbiotics might benefit your health, you’re not alone! While prebiotics and probiotics have been researched exhaustively for their role in overall gut health and general well-being, postbiotics are the “new kid on the block” when it comes to nurturing our body’s delicate microbiome. And while research on postbiotics is still new and evolving, the results so far have health and nutrition enthusiasts excited—and looking for ways they can safely introduce postbiotics into their health regimen.
Our research revealed the immense benefits of postbiotics and their suggested positive impact on inflammatory skin conditions, boosted immunity, and improved digestion and waste elimination. That’s why we developed REVITALIZE+™, our newest postbiotic gut health supplement with CoreBiome® Butyrate.
Read on to discover the emerging science behind understanding the role and importance of postbiotics, how they may improve overall wellness in healthy individuals*, and how a balanced, informed diet and nutritional approach can enhance its effects.
How Does the Gut Microbiome Become Imbalanced?
There are many factors that can cause an imbalance or changes in the gut microbiome. You’d be surprised how common it is!
- Poor diet choices, nutrition, and food preparation techniques
- Unmanaged stress and anxiety
- Illness, medications, and especially broad-spectrum antibiotics
- The natural aging process

What Are Postbiotics and Postbiotic Metabolites?
Postbiotics are the bioactive waste products of probiotic bacterial fermentation.
When the good bacteria in our gut flourish, they feed on prebiotic fibers and produce postbiotic metabolites. These amazing compounds can offer health benefits even after probiotics (their parent cells) are no longer alive!
Short-chain fatty acids like Butyrate are an especially exciting postbiotic metabolite and they’re currently being studied for their positive impact on the acid/base balance in the digestive tract and the promotion of good bacteria in the gut. Butyrate may aid our body in maintaining a healthy gut lining, our natural barrier to keep “bad stuff” like pathogens and toxins out while letting good things like minerals and vitamins in.*
What’s Corebiome® Butyrate?
Corebiome®, one of the key ingredients in our Revitalize+ Advanced Gut Health Supplement is a patent-pending butyrate compound intended to pass through the stomach and small intestine to bring support directly to the colon.*
As a short-chain fatty acid, butyrate may provide the energy needed to help maintain the integrity and health of the colon lining.*
What is the Role of Prebiotics, Probiotics, and Postbiotics?
Prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics all work together in synergy to promote gut health and maintain gut microbiome balance.
Prebiotics, like fiber-rich psyllium husk, supply beneficial gut bacteria with nourishment and encourage “good” gut bacteria to thrive.*
Probiotics are living “good” bacteria and microbes that have positive effects on our gut microbiome—including our stomach, large and small intestines, and bowels.* Probiotics may also play a role in healthy liver and kidney function.
Postbiotics are the chemicals created when good gut bacteria feed on prebiotic fibers. These compounds can benefit us even after their parent cells (probiotics) are no longer alive.
To achieve balance we have to make sure we provide each to our body, combined with a healthy, active lifestyle.
Why Should I Care About Gut Health and a Balanced Gut Microbiome?
Your body is a unity of complex and interconnected systems, each system feeding off the others to contribute to overall health. So it makes sense that when one system, especially the gut, is imbalanced it will impact the healthy function of all other systems.
But how has gut microbiome balance been linked to common health concerns? Here’s what medical professionals have found in recent research.
Obesity and increased fat absorption.
Emerging research from University of Chicago Medicine concluded that the calorie-dense western diet so many of us consume can cause our body to produce more microbes that aid in the digestion and rapid absorption of fat-dense foods.
Scientists believe that, over time, these microbes may lead to a greater likelihood of obesity and obesity-related ailments.
Skin health and inflammation.
When it comes to skin health, many studies link good skin to a healthy gut microbiome. Scientists have found evidence of a “gut-skin axis” that links the gut microbiome with inflammatory skin responses like acne, eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea.
Experts say that 70–80% of the body’s immune cells are found in the gut. There’s been much discussion in the health and wellness industry about the ill effects of a permeable or “leaky” gut.
Recent research on leaky gut syndrome suggests that maintaining a healthy gut lining may help block the access of undesired microbes.
Allergies and food sensitivities.
A recent study published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation compared 64 distinct sets of bacterial species found in the fecal microbiota of sets of twins—one twin healthy and the other diagnosed with food allergies.
Experts concluded that it’s possible that healthy infant microbiota is protective against the development of food allergies, and that diet and genetic factors may play a role in healthy immune responses.
Mood, anxiety, and depression.
Check out this analysis of twenty-six scientific studies that explored the connection between microorganisms throughout the gastrointestinal tract and anxiety and depression. Scientists believe that depression and anxiety may stem from systemic inflammation that originates in our gut.
While research continues, medical professionals DO believe there is a link between our bellies and our brains!
How Can I Incorporate Postbiotics Into My Healthy Lifestyle?
We’ve discussed the many benefits of postbiotics. But maintaining a healthy microbiome relies on the delicate balance of prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics. That’s why we always tell our customers to embrace a holistic approach to gut health. This is known as symbiosis.
Focus on nutrition.
Embrace a balanced whole-food diet rich in prebiotic fiber, like legumes and oats. Drink a fiber-packed smoothie daily! You can also boost insoluble fiber intake with a prebiotic supplement like Health Plus Gluten-free Psyllium Husk or our Prebiotic Formula™.
Eat probiotic-rich fermented foods like kimchi, kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha, and low-sugar yogurt. Complement your healthy diet with a broad-spectrum probiotic and plenty of Probiotic Fiber™.
Get the benefits of postbiotics with a supplement.
Get the benefits of postbiotics from a supplement like Health Plus Revitalize+ Advanced Gut Health, which contains the short-chain fatty acid, butyrate. While prebiotics and probiotics have long been used to help maintain and support gut health, postbiotics may be an even more important part of the healthy gut microbiome.*

Are Postbiotic Supplements Right For You?
There are risks associated with ANY sudden, intense change in nutrition, exercise, or supplement regimen!
While we know the possible benefits of postbiotics are exciting, we strongly suggest talking to your doctor before implementing any new postbiotic supplements OR making any drastic changes to your diet to include postbiotic-rich foods. This is especially important if you are pregnant, nursing, or immunocompromised.
The relationship between postbiotics, the healthy gut microbiome, and general wellness isn’t yet fully understood by the medical community, but research studies show great promise. Will you take the leap and incorporate a dairy-free, gluten-free, vegetarian postbiotic supplement like Revitalize+™ Advanced Gut Health into your healthy lifestyle?
*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.